Royal & Celebrity Intuitive & Channeller. We create our own future, lets reach for the stars together.
About Tiffany Wardle
Royal & Celebrity Channel

Tiffany Wardle is an intuitive channel. Tiffany believes in manifestation and that the Law Of Attraction creates our existence. Tiffany has been a Royal & Celebrity intuitive for 20 years now. Tiffany works online as a cannel for her clients around the world showing them how to attract in what they want. Tiffany works with Royals, A-List and has worked with well-known companies such as Goop, BBC, ITV, Channel 4 & 5 years as a TV Psychic on Psychic TV.
Tiffany has worked on the largest Psychic TV show in Europe, she has written 4 best selling books and has been featured in numerous publications all over the globe.
Tiffany will ask you for your questions. Perhaps you feel stuck with money, love, career or family. Tiffany will then work with her guides to find the beauty within you, to inspire you and uplift you to what is possible.
After your session, Tiffany will send you an energy healing. It is up to you to receive this healing and attune to the possibility that you can feel better from this.
The following day, you will receive your summary of your intuitive session.
Tiffany's aim is to help you see your inner beauty. She will then help you believe in yourself more and give you the tools to increase your inner peace.
As a very unique intuitive & healer, Tiffany works globally with clients in a bespoke way, tailoring her sessions to your needs.